Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flight back from Denali


     Our flight back from Denali started off with a rainbow. Just as amazing as the flight into the park. Tomorrow we are going back to the sea, for a whole new set of stunning images, including - my favorite - a Sea Otter!

A plane was on a peak, having dropped off a bunch of climbers.

The glacier snow in the mountains was blue.

Some eccentric Alaskan built a house on top of house on top of house.

There was a rainbow when we landed, too!



Michael Davis said...

Janet -
Great pics from the trip. Enjoyed your captions too.
Michael D.

Cheryl Bardoe said...

Beautiful pics Janet! Can't wait to hear more about the trip.

J.Tuttle said...

Thanks you guys. Couldn't help but take lovely pics with scenery like this!